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Turning 'talks too much' into a life skill

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Hi! I'm Sara.

Photo of Sara with no background and microphone in foreground

Ready to bring a sense of humor to your next event?

After years of career pivots, starting a business and landing in the world of community I share the truth behind all my steps, fails and expertise I've picked up along the way.

Learning and sharing shouldn't be so serious! My goal is to bring fun, energy and a witty gif to every talk I give!

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Black and white side profile photo of Sara

Corporate to Creator

After quitting my corporate healthcare role in December 2019 I had no plan other than to seek out something more creative. It's been a rocky ride but this talk is truth and transparency on how I made the transition.

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Looking for a Podcast Guest?

I've been on the other side of the mic for years and would love to join your show to chat about career pivots.

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