Talks with SaraNosocks Podcast logo

Every journey is filled with failure, let's share the lessons learned from them.

Show Notes:

Ep 31: Solo Episode 3: Three fails and three lessons

Join me as I chat about last weeks fails with Integromat, Webflow and defining my audience.  I learned so much while going through these failures, I hope it helps you too!  Tune in Friday for my next guest interview!

Follow along in between episodes on Twitter @saranosocks

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Here's what people are saying...

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This cup of coffee is coming far too late, but it was not forgotten. Sara was immensely helpful when I designed my new Webflow site last year, even going above and beyond to help me when I panicked because of a mistake I made while she was on vacation. She took time away from her holiday to help me, and I'll never forget that. I'd definitely recommend her services in the future. 🤓😎😊

Candace Nicholson

Webflow Client
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"Sara is a great collaborator. She's not afraid to ask tough questions to ensure the best final product, and does so in a collaborative and thoughtful way. Having her on the team helps to improve the quality of the product and the user experience. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again given the chance."

Des Clarke

Former Director
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Had a fantastic chat with @saranosocks as she invited me on her podcast today. She’s a wonderful host!


Former Guest
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Podcast OS + Podcast Ops = magic combo


Podcast Ops
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Want quality content about the successes and failures of the #nocode life? Listen to @saranosocks podcast. Quality content and excellent interviews with amazing nocode creators.


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"There is a balance between management, technology, and design, and Sara just gets it. Her constant empathy for users helped keep our products aligned and focused, and she has a clear understanding on how to produce highly functioning teams."

Jeff Border

Sr. UI/UX Designer
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Thanks, Sara, for being a great host and safely guiding me through my first podcasting experience.

Jelmer Pe

Former Guest
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Want quality content about the successes and failures of the #nocode life? Listen to @saranosocks podcast. Quality content and excellent interviews with amazing nocode creators.


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This is clever, Sara! Ops is something a lot of people sleep on! But with Podcast Ops, I feel you are going to make a lot of podcasters' life easy!!


Podcast Ops

What's it all about?

I started Talks with SaraNoSocks with one goal in mind: share other's stories! We all hear the "overnight success" stories, but there is a huge piece of the puzzle they're leaving out! What happened before you hit it big? Surely failure is a part of your journey! Hear what it's like to try and fail. These are open and honest discussions around the failure we all experience, but we're too afraid to share. My goal, to expose the "sticky middle", show you everyone fails and you can turn that into success.

Talks With SaraNoSocks Podcast Cover Art


Every Monday I chat about my own journey becoming a small business owner and my fails along the way. It's on YouTube or listen along on your favorite podcast platform.

Sara with microphone


In between episodes I'm busy as a freelance web designer and no code content creator for Makerpad. I share thoughts from the shows and what I'm up to. Follow along!

Talks with SaraNoSocks Guest cover art example


Every Friday I sit down with amazing humans who are freelancers, makers, entrepreneurs and small business owners sharing how their failure created success.

Get caught up with the show

Show Notes:

Ep 57: How do you define success?

I've been chatting on Twitter about this for the past few weeks.  Figuring out your definition of success is hard process but leads to a great sense of fulfillment.

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Show Notes:

Ep 56: Interview with Patrick Prömmel, Lifestyle Entrepreneur

This week I sat down with Patrick Prömmel who by day is getting his MBA at Wharton and by night is on a self-proclaimed "lifestyle entrepreneur journey": an endeavor to create businesses for time, freedom, flexibility, autonomy, and fun.  His past life was spent as a consultant for fortune 100 companies on tech strategy, but he felt unfilled. New in his journey Patrick shares what he's seeking and his path to getting there.

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Show Notes:

Ep 55: Trust yourself, always

This week I'm chatting about the importance of trusting yourself, always.  Lean into that inner voice, and say no when it isn't for you.

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Show Notes:

Ep 54: Interview with Kevin Galang, Co-Founder Community Copilot

This week I sat down with Kevin Galang, co-founder of Community Copilot.  Kevin is a self taught dev turned no-code indie hacker.  He recently left corporate behind to go all in on himself.  He's helping to build a product to help automate your flipping side hustle.  A fantastic discussion on how to find balance, the importance of community support on your journey and never dropping the glass ball. 

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Show Notes:

Ep 53: How I started this journey

I didn't have a plan when I embarked on this journey, I just had a goal to exit corporate.  In order to do that I knew I needed to save up money, so that was step 1.  This week I detail how long that took and chat about all the new things coming to the Helping Creatives Community.

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Show Notes:

Ep 52: Interview with Sharath Kuruganty, Co-Founder

This week I sat down with Sharath Kuruganty, a community first maker and co-founder of  Sharath has been building since 2018 with quite the impressive resume of his own products, 8 launches on Product Hunt, and countless others he's helped to build and support.  Most recently he became the recipient of the 2021 Product Hunt Maker Grant.  Tune in as he shares why community has been so key along his journey, the lessons he's learned from past fails and what the future holds.

Connect with Sharath on Twitter:

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Show Notes:

Ep 51: Have a plan, but be flexible

Not having a plan has lead me to a lot of failure over the last 15 months.  I don't want to plan everything, nor can I, but I do need structure and a roadmap to get me to my end goal.  I've learned so much I need to share with all of you, but my first and most important lesson is have a plan, but be flexible.

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Want all the details and be the first to know who's a special guest, this week?  Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter!

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Show Notes:

Ep 50: Interview with Corey Haines, Founder SwipeFiles

This week I sat down with Corey Haines, Founder of SwipeFiles a community on how to become a better marketer.  Corey has had many successful roles, including Head of Growth at Baremetrics, Founder of Hey Marketers, Refactoring Growth, & Mental Models For Marketing.  He's also the host the Everything is Marketing podcast and co-host of Default Alive podcast.

Connect with Corey:



Listen to the full episode for the 50% discount code for SwipeFiles

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Show Notes:

Ep 49: Helping you go from corporate to creative

I had a breakthrough I needed to share with all of you today!  Tune in to hear what I am building and what I am so excited about.  Hint, it's about helping "trapped" creatives find their creative passion and make money at it.  More stories of leaving corporate for creative roles, more tools, resources and inspiration to help you along your path! 

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Show Notes:

Ep 48: Interview with Kevon Cheung

This week I sat down with Kevon Cheung who is taking Building in Public to the next level.  Kevin is a creator, building products, content, and helping others.  A background in tech, Kevon's most recent launch was a Building in Public Guide.  A discussion filled with advice on building in public, how to find your passion and why money isn't always a good thing.

Connect With Kevon




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Show Notes:

Ep 28: Solo Episode 1: Podcast updates and lessons of failure

Join me as I walk you through what's coming to the podcast as we enter 2021 and do a deep dive honest discussion on what my first year in business was like.  I share the mental health impact, financial failure and how truly lost I was for many months but found a renewed sense of self and purpose when I discovered my community.

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Show Notes:

Ep 20: The Importance of Investing in Yourself

In this week's solo episode I'm pulling back the curtains once again on the status of SaraNoSocks LLC for the past few months, spoiler alert I'm chatting more $0 months.  I'm in a building phase which means, lots of investing in myself. I chat about what investing in myself looks like and why you can never lose when you invest in yourself.

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Show Notes:

Ep 14: You should build in public

This week it's a solo episode where I give an update on SaraNoSocks LLC and a few tips to some new business owners.  The bulk of the episode chats about the importance of building in public and why shipping quickly is the key to success.  Special thanks to MakerPad for their #T30 challenge during the month of September to finally get Helping Creatives off the ground.  

This episode is for you if you want to learn about building a business, building a product in public and hear more about why I am re-inventing how you hire.  

Need a NoCode and Webflow community?  Come join us on PixelGeek.Community!  We'd love to help you!!

Show Notes:

Ep 8: The tools for success!

We'll review the tools I use for my success in design, business, bookkeeping and life.  Today I break down why I use each tool, the pros and cons, what else I have tried and why I stuck with what I have.  The answer to success, just do what works for you.  You don't have to use these tools, in fact many people don't.  

Just in case you want to, here are the links to my tool list:


Adobe Creative Cloud



Google Forms



Microsoft for Business




Show Notes:

Ep 7: I'm what you might call a creative unicorn

This week we take a peak into my brain and that of other creative generalists. I explain my full design thought process, why I seem disjointed to those not engrossed in the design community and why I love to design all the things.  UX designer, Illustrator, Logos, Animations 3D, 4D, patterns, textures, podcasts, YouTube.  I do it all.  Why?  Because I love it, all of it.

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Show Notes:

Ep 6: I'm building a business, not my social media

Episode 6 is here and I'm diving into a triggering topic for some, social media.  I break down my 18 accounts, yes 18 and talk about what I eliminated, why I eliminated them and how I am restructuring them moving forward.

How do you feel about social media when it comes to business?  Have you made any changes in light of Black Lives Matter?  Are you aware of the companies privacy and ethics written and practiced policies?  Let me know your thoughts here.

Sign up for my weekly newsletter here.

Don't forget to subscribe rate and review!

Show Notes:

Ep 5: Let's normalize talking about making $0.00

This week I'm talking business, or rather lack there of.  I share my fails this month and why as of June 23, I have had $0.00 in income.  I'll share my three lessons and how to start flipping the script.  Ready to hear what really happens in business?  Tune in.

Please don't forget to subscribe, share and review!  

Show Notes:

Ep 4: Get that social media feed off your website!!

I don't know how the trend started but today I am breaking down why it's a terrible idea to have your embedded social media feeds on your website.  Grab a pen and paper because this one is quick but packed with tips.

Catch me over on instagram @saranosocks!

Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review!

Show Notes:

Ep 3: How to make blended word art in Illustrator

Do you sense a theme?  This week we're back in Illustrator and you'll want to head over to YouTube to catch the full tutorial!  Making cool word art using the blend tool!

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Show Notes:

Ep 1 :How to Make a Pattern in Adobe Illustrator

This week we're tackling how to make a branded pattern in Adobe Illustrator (not a sponsor).  Its fun, easy and a quick way to make your brand stand out!

Want to follow along?

Watch this Episode on YouTube.

Show Notes:

Ep 107: Follow-up Interview with Diego Diaz, Founder Reflow, Ammo Studio (acq)

This week I sat down with Diego Diaz, founder Reflow, an Unlimited Webflow Development agency and former founder of Ammo Studio , which was acquired in 2022. This is the third interview with Diego who shares how he built and sold Ammo Studio, what he did as an exit founder, and what he's building now with Reflow and what he's learned through the process. We last sat down together in October 2021 when Ammo was just starting out and our first chat was in December 2020 when he was a social media manager. From security guard to founder exit, Diego's story is one that shows what's possible when you embrace the fails along the way.

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Indie Hackers Post:

Business Insider Article:

Show Notes:

Ep 50: Interview with Corey Haines, Founder SwipeFiles

This week I sat down with Corey Haines, Founder of SwipeFiles a community on how to become a better marketer.  Corey has had many successful roles, including Head of Growth at Baremetrics, Founder of Hey Marketers, Refactoring Growth, & Mental Models For Marketing.  He's also the host the Everything is Marketing podcast and co-host of Default Alive podcast.

Connect with Corey:



Listen to the full episode for the 50% discount code for SwipeFiles

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Show Notes:

Ep 42: Interview with Lena Sesardić, Entrepreneur

This week I sat down with Lena Sesardić a PM turned entrepreneur & creator who recently wrote her first book The Making of Product Managers.  After leaving her corporate role in February 2020 without a plan, she's gone through a rollercoaster of emotions, taken on entrepreneurship and doing it all in public.  This was an open and honest discussion on what it's really like in the first year of entrepreneurship, failure, lessons and the mental toll it all takes.





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Show Notes:

Ep 40: Interview with Shahrzad Darafsheh, Co-founder Billflow

This week I sat down with Shahrzad Darafsheh, Co-founder of Billflow a no code stripe billing tool.  She's passionate about bridging the gap between technical and non-technical brains.  From a dream of medicine to a product design career, her journey is a fantastic example of going all in on yourself and focusing on what you're passionate about.

Connect with Shahrzad

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Billflow Twitter -

Billflow Website -

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Show Notes:

Ep 38: Interview with Mindy S Thomas, Reinvent With Me

This week I sat down with Mindy S Thomas, a growth marketer who is making her path after quitting her job mid-pandemic.  Since leaving she has been on a journey of reinventing herself.  This was an open and honest discussion about what it's like to leave it all behind, start making your own path and the day to day behind it.  This episode is for you if you're looking to reinvent yourself, not sure how to take the next step or want to hear what it's like to jump in with no safety net.  

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Show Notes:

Ep 36: Interview with Sarwech Schar, Founder Nocodelytics

This week I sat down with Sarwech Schar, founder of Nocodelytics a new way to easily track user engagement on your Webflow site. He recently also teamed up with Jetboost Founder Chris Spags and has a very cool side project called Spacebandits, which details space startups  and what they are building.  This was another amazing episode where Sarwech shared his advice on how an audience, community and a past failure have lead to his success with Nocodelytics 

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Show Notes:

Ep 34: Interview with Lacey Kesler, Co-Founder Visual Dev Co

This week I sat down with Lacey Kesler, who's no stranger to the no code community!  She's the founder of Women in No Code (WINC), Co-Founder of Visual Dev Co, where she's a podcast co-host and helping to build an education platform and she's just recently taken on the role of Head of Education at Adalo.  She's also up to something new with the OnDeck NoCode Cohort, tune in for a sneak peak!

This was another amazing episode where Lacey shared how a team failure during her product management days helped her discover what was really important.  She shares a ton of actionable advice on how to just start and what she's doing to help future no code freelancers.

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Women in No Code (WINC) - -

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Show Notes:

Ep 32: Interview with Natalie Furness, Founder Freelance Notion

This week I sat down with Natalie Furness, Founder of Freelance Notion, a business operations system for freelancers.  Natalie is working with technical founders to solve big problems and take the solutions to market.  She recently discovered the #nocode space and is loving it!  Over the last few months she has embraced the #buildinpublic movement and has become very active in the community.  Join me as we talk about how her failures have helped her to get to where she is today!

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Freelance Notion:


Launch NoCode Podcast (coming soon!):


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Show Notes:

Ep 30: Interview with Corey McComb, Author Productivity is for Robots

This week I sat down with Corey McComb, author of Productivity is for Robots a guide on how to (re)connect, get creative & stay human in the new world.  Corey didn't start as a writer, he started as a rocker, joining a band at just 16!  Since leaving the band scene his path followed many others follow, climbing the ladder and landing the dream job with lots of failed attempts at freelancing in between.  Today Corey is a creative, freelancer and writer helping founders launch their products.   Join us as we chat about burnout, failure and how he found his way to back to his creative flow to publish the book in November of 2020 and what's in store for 2021.  

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Show Notes:

Ep 27: Interview with Jelmer Pe, Co-Founder

This week I sat down with Jelmer Pe, a venture builder by day at Bundl have helped to launch 20+ start-ups over the last 5 years.   By night he's a co-founder of and on a mission to help no code makers find a structure to validate fast and build their success.

He shared how his design and corporate past helped shape and build his innovative and maker future.  He had great insight into the landscape of the no code space and it's struggles as a young field and how he's building products to solve those issues.

This episode is for you if you are a struggling to find your audience, validate your products, or want build a start-up. 

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Show Notes:

Ep 26: Interview with Kieran, Founder of LaunchMBA

This week I sat down with Kieran Ball, Founder of LaunchMBA.  By day he's a co-founder running his own business, and by night he is a prolific #nocode maker, shipping fast and creating communities.  

This was a deep discussion where Kieran shared all this lessons around building products that went no where, but taught him what not to do next time, how he found success with no code in just one year and how the LaunchMBA Community came to be.

This episode is for you if you're afraid to fail, not sure how to get started in#nocode or want to know how launch a successful community.

Connect with Kieran:


LaunchMBA Website:

LaunchMBA Twitter:


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Show Notes:

Ep 25: Interview with Diego Diaz, Head of Community at Ycode

This week I sat down with Diego Diaz, Head of Community at Ycode by day, No Coder by night.  Ycode is new no code web app builder launching very soon.  By night, Diego is hard at work in his maker journey using No Code to see his ideas come to life.  

We chatted about how he landed the job at Ycode after a successful cold email, the power of community and how No Code is changing his future.  This episode is for you if you're new in your journey, not sure how to break into the No Code space or want to know how successful communities are built.

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Medium Blog Post:


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Show Notes:

Ep 24: Interview with Sahiba Sethi, Founder HelloMeets

This week I sat down with Sahiba Sethi, Found of Hello Meets.  HelloMeets started in 2015 and is a startup community bringing experts to share their latest actionable insights with startup professionals over live meetups.  They have done 800+ meetups so far. Before COVID they were offline & were doing meetups in India, Canada and Singapore.  Presently they are doing 30 online meetups every month :)

Sahiba shared her learnings on what it takes to build a community, how to pivot from in person to online and what the future holds for Hello Meets.

This episode is for you if you're interested in community building, want to learn about how to identify trends to stay top of mind and how to successfully engage with others.

Connect with Sahiba:


HelloMeets on Twitter:

HelloMeets Website:

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Show Notes:

Ep 23: Interview with Kat, Founder BETO

This week I sat down with Kat, the Founder of BETO  no code tool to help avoid the embarrassment of forgetting the small details.  By day Kat is and by night she is getting BETO off the ground.  A self proclaimed "ideas person", after three years of sitting on her idea, she shared how she is using no code tools to bring her idea to an MVP while having a full time job.

This episode is for you if you're scared about talking about your idea, unsure of how to find support and how no code can make your idea a reality!

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Show Notes:

Ep 22: Interview with Emily Lonetto, Founder Growth Toronto

This week on I sat down with Emily Lonetto, who by day is, Head of Growth, Partnerships + Community at Voiceflow.  Voiceflow is a #NoCode platform to design, prototype and build voice apps for you applications such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Trusted by some folks you may have heard of: Amazon, NPR, NewYork Times, Matel and Best Buy just to name a few.  If you're looking for a way to design your voice experience, Voiceflow has you covered.

By night Emily is the Founder of Growth Toronto, the largest community of Growth practitioners in Canada and a self proclaimed #NoCode Geek.  She has many creative outlets including design, a booming sticker business, teaching no code to budding entrepreneurs and growing communities.

This episode is for you if want to know how to build and grow a community, how no code tools can help you build out your idea quickly, and why now is the best time to explore new opportunities.

Get in Touch with Emily



Growth TO:

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Show Notes:

Ep 21: Interview with Michael Novotny, Founder of The Lean Side Project

This week I sat down with Michael J Novotny, Founder of The Lean Side Project the step by step guide to launching your no code project.  He's a Product Manager by day shipping digital products to millions of users for a major sports league in the US.  By night,  he's a no code maker, founder of a startup and using his experience in each role to fuel the other.  

This episode is for you if you're not sure how to get started in No Code, if you want to learn how to keep impostor syndrome at bay and if you want to learn how to use the power of your story to become a maker.  He shares how he's used the power of listening, learning and community to build the Lean Side Project with many lessons along the way.

Connect with Michael:


The Lean Side Project:

Side Project Stack:

Show Notes:

Ep 19: Interview with Mubs, Designer, Developer, Maker

This week on I am joined by Mubashar Iqbal, better known as Mubs. If you're not on Twitter, let's give you a short background.  Mubs describes himself simply as "I design, I develop, I make."  With 96 projects to date, ProductHunt's maker of the year for 2016 and runner up in 2015 and 2017, he knows a thing or two about building.  His most recent project is One Hour SaaS, and as the name implies, he's building a SaaS business in just one hour a day.

This episode is for you if you're struggling to start building, want to know what it's like to have a side hustle that is just passion projects, not paying the bills and how community plays a role in the journey.

Connect with Mubs:


One Hour SaaS:


Show Notes:

Ep 18: Interview with Max, One Hand Wonder Man

This week I sat down with Max, better know as the One Hand Wonder Man.  With a background in advertising, Squarespace design and freelancing, he recently launched a new coaching business aimed at helping freelancers succeed.  This episode is for you if you're thinking about freelancing, new to freelancing or curious about the opportunity freelancing brings.  We break down all the myths and give you the hard facts around what freelancing really is.

Need support on your freelance journey?  Contact Max below :



Show Notes:

Ep 17: Interview with KP, Build In Public

This week I had the pleasure of sitting down to talk with KP.  He's been building in public for the past two years with numerous side projects built such Build in Public (which just launched), Cuppa , Do Things That Don't Scale and LetterDrop, he's no stranger to the no code space.

His latest venture took the meaning of "build in public" to a whole new level when he started "applying in public", taking his journey of seeking to work at a start-up public in a Twitter thread.  

We talked about the power of community, vulnerability and how mindset makes anything possible.  Join us as we find out how he decided to just go for it and landed a dream role as the Program Director for the No Code Fellowship with On Deck.  

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Build in Public:

Show Notes:

Ep 16: Interview with Melisa, Owner Let's Get You Hired

This week I sat down with Melisa, owner of Let's Get You Hired!  As a Speaker, Author, and Coach, Melisa Meral uses her 10+ years' experience in Human Resources to help her readers learn how current skill sets can translate to a successful career move.  On October 6th, 2020, her book Pivoting with Purpose: The Hamster Wheel, the Rat Race, and Other Career Myths Holding You Back, reached Amazon Best-Seller in 11 categories, plus 12 #1 Hot New Release awards. Melisa’s book is for job seekers who need an easy-to-follow roadmap when pivoting in life, work, and business. Melisa urges her readers to get off the hamster wheel, get out of the rat race, and stop believing all of those pesky old career myths!

Are you feeling stuck in a career rut and wanting to create change in your life — but not sure how to make it happen? Are you burnt out as an entrepreneur and craving the stability of a paycheck in a full-time role — but not sure how your skills could translate into a 9-5? Let’s find your next best company, boss, and job while outlining the exact roadmap to get you there! It’s time to pivot with purpose.

If you're looking for your next steps, ready to pivot your career or are finally ready to get out of your mundane 9-5, this is a must listen!

Grab her Book: Pivoting With Purpose

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